CAD Services
Dustolex can offer a full CAD service to customers with an obvious leaning towards Dust and Fume Control Systems. We use the latest hardware and software (AutoCAD) to produce full 3D drawings. Dustolex have built up over the years an enviable reputation for the quality of Computer Aided Drawings. All drawings can be produced on customers templates and printed as required. Our designers can call on site, measure and draw as required. This CAD facility is geared not only to the smaller company but also to larger multi national companies who have not the resources of CAD services. All projects are treated strictly confidentially and again, are a very competitively priced solution.
DUSTOLEX’s Range of Products and Services:-
- Dust and Fume Extraction Systems
- Vacuum Systems - Mobile and Centralised
- Extraction System Components - Dust Collectors, Fans etc
- Ductwork - Clip, Spiral and Flanged - Circular and Rectangular
- Fabrication - Hoppers, Guard, Acoustic Enclosures, Hoods etc
- Air Knife Drying Systems
- Vortec Tubes and Accessories - Enclosure Coolers, Cold Air Guns etc
- Can and PET Bottle Crushing.